Important Wine Awards - What You Should Know

Important Wine Awards - What You Should Know

Important wine awards

Austrian wine is becoming increasingly well-known worldwide. Traditionally, it's a country where white wine is cultivated and wine is both a pleasure and a way of life. Which wine awards exist in the Alpine republic? We'll tell you what to use as a guide when choosing your wine.

What are wine awards anyway?

Wine awards are a general term. In principle, there are different evaluations and procedures. A distinction must be made between the scores of individual critics and the wine guides. Competitions on the quality of the wine are just as important.

Prominent names and magazines include:

  • Robert M. Parker (Wine Advocate)
  • Stuart Pigott
  • John Platter
  • James Suckling
  • Wine Enthusiast
  • Wine Spectator

There are also major international competitions in the USA, Vienna and Berlin. The best known are:

  • IWC - International Wine Challenge
  • DWWA - Decanter World Wide Awards

Wine awards in Austria

At a national level, there are wine guides and competitions that reward both the best wines of the country and those from individual regions. These provide a good overview of the highest-quality wines in Austria.

The most widely recognised wine evaluation is undoubtedly the AWC Vienna, which evaluates on an international and national level using a sophisticated point system. That is why over 1,700 producers from around 40 countries have been participating each year since 2003. There are also wine awards, so-called special awards for "The best national producer of the year". The prerequisite for this, however, is the award of one star for the corresponding winery. Special AWC Vienna awards for both international and national wines are the "Trophies". The AWC's wine awards are not only associated with a title and medals, but also with prize money.

The best domestic wines have also been determined in the SALON Austria wine competition since 1988. The competition is considered tough and independent. Prominent sommeliers and journalists from the most renowned wine magazines make up the jury. The SALON Austria is accordingly a kind of "Championship of Austrian Wine". Österreich Wein Marketing (ÖWM) is responsible for determining the highest-rated wines in individual categories in a final tasting.

At the regional level, Casinos Austria and Wein Burgenland have awarded a Burgenland company the "Goldene Traube" award for outstanding wines since 1986.

International and national importance: The wine guides

Wine awards for the quality of wines from Austria are mainly given by Falstaff magazine. They have an internationally known 100-point scale and wineries are rated with one to five stars. Falstaff is an Austrian wine and gourmet magazine with an international reputation that was founded in 1980. In addition, the Vinaria magazine is becoming increasingly important for wine awards in Austria. "Vinaria Trophy" medals for Austrian varietals are in great demand.

And let me tell you one thing: Regardless of whether a given wine has an award or not - we at 9wines are confident we have the best bottles! ;-)