5 Ways To Chill Wine Quickly

5 Ways To Chill Wine Quickly

Cool wine with these methods and enjoy!

Everyone knows the irritation when you forget to cool your white wine! When you've bought the wine, your guests are on their way and the wine is far too warm! Here are 5 9wines tips for chilling wine before tempers get heated.

1. The Professional Bartender Frappier Method

You will need ice, salt, water and a bucket. Fill the bottom of the bucket with ice cubes, then sprinkle some salt on top. Repeat the whole thing in layers and place the bottle in the bucket. After a few minutes, take the bottle out and swirl it around slightly to cool the inside. Repeat the process until the wine is optimally chilled.

2. Flash ice method

Fill a sink with cold water, ice and salt and put the white wine in. The salt makes it even colder so the wine is chilled in a matter of seconds. Sometimes 5-10 minutes are enough to make ice-cold wine.

3. Freezer

Wine at room temperature needs around 30 minutes to cool sufficiently in the freezer. This is fine if you're cooking or doing other things on the side, but you could pour a small sip into a pre-iced glass and then use the following method: Wet a cotton cloth, wrap the bottle in it and place the wine in the freezer. The wet, cold cotton cloth will be in direct contact with the bottle which can cut the cooling time in half!

4. Cooling sleeves

Cooling wine with freezer sleeves also works excellently. It takes about 15-20 minutes, but the disadvantage is that the sleeve has to be pre-frozen in the freezer for several hours beforehand.

5. Ice cube method

Another way to cool wine relatively quickly is the ice cube method. Make ice cubes from white or red wine and can use them later to quickly cool the wine in the glass without having to mix wine with water.